Alacsony ár Mosható papír kozmetikai táska Purchasing,A különbség a mosott nátronpapír és a tyvek papír között

A különbség a mosott nátronpapír és a tyvek papír között

2023-01-07 09:56

The difference between washed kraft paper and tyvek paper

1. Thickness

     Washed kraft paper is thicker and harder, tyvek  paper is thinner and softer

2. Color

    The color of washed kraft paper is darker and darker, while the color of tyvek  paper is very bright. Washed kraft paper products, such as cosmetic bags, computer bags, handbags, etc., mostly like to use kraft paper in primary colors, black, and white. Products made of tyvek  paper, such as toiletry bags, handbags, thermal insulation bags, etc., are often used in bright colors

The difference between washed kraft paper and tyvek paper

3. Water resistance

    Whether it is washed kraft paper or tyvek  paper, it is waterproof

4. Water absorption

    Washed kraft paper absorbs water and moisture better, in a humid environment, the material will become slightly softer and thicker

    tyvek  paper does not absorb water

5. Toughness

    Mindkettő mosott nátronpapír illtyvek  a papír nagyon jó szívósságú és ellenáll a szakadásnak. Ezért hívják törhetetlen papírnak

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